Feature |
Twp |
District |
Date Org |
Date Closed |
USGS Topo Map |
Elevation |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Comments |
Albany |
Orrick |
78 |
Artman |
91 |
Baber School |
74 |
Unknown |
3 miles southwest of Richmond |
-32800 feet |
.000ºN |
.000ºW |
In south-central Richmond Township. Named for Benjamin Franklin Baber, who donated the land for school purposes. (Miss Baber) |
Barkley |
72 |
Bennet School (historical) |
Lawson |
961 feet |
39.462ºN |
94.139ºW |
Bennett School (historical) |
18 |
Millville |
899 feet |
39.445ºN |
93.957ºW |
In east-central Knoxville Township. Named for a pioneer family. (Judge McGill) |
Benton School |
Polk |
Elmira |
1014 feet |
39.506ºN |
94.178ºW |
Benton School (historical) |
9 |
Elmira |
1004 feet |
39.506ºN |
94.177ºW |
In northwestern Polk Township. The origin of the name could not be ascertained. It was probably named for Thomas Hart Benton (1782-1858), a Missouri Senator for thirty years. (83R) |
Bisbee School (historical) |
Polk |
11 |
Lawson |
991 feet |
39.484ºN |
94.137ºW |
In north-central Polk Township. Named for David Bisbee, who donated the land for school purposes. (Lebold) |
Blue Jay School |
Richmond |
748 feet |
39.329ºN |
93.984ºW |
Bohemire |
88 |
Bryant School |
42 |
Richmond |
748 feet |
39.369ºN |
93.981ºW |
Bullock |
23 |
Bunker Hill |
24 |
Butler School |
Polk |
10 |
Lawson |
1000 feet |
39.469ºN |
94.182ºW |
This is an old school in west-central Polk Township. No one interviewed knew the origin of the name. It is not a local name. Since that section of the country is democratic it may have been named for William Orlando Butler (1791-1880), of Kentucky, a man popular with southern democrats and a democratic candidate for vice-president in 1848. (Dr. Ramsey) |
Feature |
Twp |
District |
Date Org |
Date Closed |
USGS Topo Map |
Elevation |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Comments |
Camden School |
86 |
Centennial School |
83 |
Unknown |
-32800 feet |
.000ºN |
.000ºW |
In south-central Orrick Township. The school was opened in 1876 and was named to commemorate the Declaration of Independence of 1776. (W.C. Williams) |
Central School |
Unknown |
-32800 feet |
.000ºN |
.000ºW |
In southeastern Grape Grove Township. Named because it was at the center of the community served by Rockingham. (Frazier) |
Clay School |
Elmira |
948 feet |
39.509ºN |
94.127ºW |
Clay School (historical) |
8 |
Elmira |
971 feet |
39.509ºN |
94.126ºW |
In northeastern Polk Township. An old school whose name dates back earlier than the memories of the oldest citizens in that section of the county. It is not a local family name. Probably named for Henry Clay (1777-1852), who was popular for his part in bringing about compromise measures in regard to slavery. (83R) |
Clevenger School |
58 |
In northeastern Fishing River Township. Named for John Clevenger, landowner and pioneer from Tennessee. (Mrs. Clevenger) |
Crenshaw School |
14 |
Knoxville |
892 feet |
39.445ºN |
94.060ºW |
In west-central Knoxville Township. Named for H.R. Crenshaw, landowner. (Judge McGill) |
Dale School |
55 |
Rayville |
817 feet |
39.312ºN |
94.025ºW |
In western Richmond Township. Named for Moses G. Dale, who donated the land for school purposes. (Dale) |
Feature |
Twp |
District |
Date Org |
Date Closed |
USGS Topo Map |
Elevation |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Comments |
East Fork |
35 |
Egypt School (historical) |
82 |
Buckner |
708 feet |
39.189ºN |
94.160ºW |
In southwestern Orrick Township. Named for the neighborhood. See Egypt. (Thomas Cooper) |
Elliott |
85 |
Enterprise |
89 |
Esrey School |
Unknown |
-32800 feet |
.000ºN |
.000ºW |
A former school in central Crooked River Township. It is now a part of the consolidated district of Hardin. Named for Niles, Esrey, a large landowner of the district. (Happy) |
Fair Play School (historical) |
13 |
Knoxville |
863 feet |
39.484ºN |
94.078ºW |
In northwestern Knoxville Township. A dispute in regard to the naming of the school was settled by this compromise ideal name. (Judge McGill) |
Fair View |
30 |
Fitch School |
Camden |
787 feet |
39.234ºN |
94.010ºW |
Fitch School |
73 |
Rayville |
781 feet |
39.257ºN |
94.010ºW |
In south- central Richmond Township. Named for the landowner, William H. Fitch. (Fitch) |
Fleming |
84 |
Feature |
Twp |
District |
Date Org |
Date Closed |
USGS Topo Map |
Elevation |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Comments |
Graham School
(historical) |
12 |
Lawson |
1007 feet |
39.454ºN |
94.131ºW |
In east-central Polk Township. Named for a pioneer family. (Mrs. Holman) |
Greenwood School
(historical) |
4 |
Cowgill |
879 feet |
39.512ºN |
93.953ºW |
In northeastern Knoxvill Township. A name descriptive of the location. (Judge McGill) |
Hall School (historical) |
79 |
Excelsior Springs |
754 feet |
39.251ºN |
94.156ºW |
In northwestern Orrick Township. Named for the landowner. (Dr. Sheetz) |
Hannah School (historical) |
77 |
Camden |
810 feet |
39.242ºN |
94.104ºW |
In southeastern Fishing River Township. Named for a pioneer family in Virginia. (Thomas Cooper) |
Hickory Grove |
52 |
Hill School |
67 |
Richmond |
751 feet |
39.277ºN |
93.923ºW |
In east- central Richmond Township. Named for James S. Hill, a native of Tennessee who owned the land site. (Mrs. Hunt) |
Hunt School |
Polo |
997 feet |
39.507ºN |
94.036ºW |
Hunt School |
6 |
Polo |
984 feet |
39.507ºN |
94.035ºW |
In west- central Knoxville Township. Named for the landowner, John Hunt. (Klemel) |
Jackson School |
36 |
Lawson |
1010 feet |
39.381ºN |
94.193ºW |
In northwestern Fishing River Township. Named for the first school teacher. (R.K. Green) |
Jefferson School |
this school was marked on Lawson Prairied map at about the same location as Jackson School. Is this the same school? |
Feature |
Twp |
District |
Date Org |
Date Closed |
USGS Topo Map |
Elevation |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Comments |
King School |
Unknown |
-32800 feet |
.000ºN |
.000ºW |
A former school two miles south of Richmond, now consolidated with the town district. Named for Austin A. King (1801-1870), who owned land in the district. In 1848 Mr. King was elected Governor of Missouri. (Conard 1901, Vol. III, 537; W.C. Williams) |
Knoxville |
16 |
Lakeview School (historical) |
49 |
Hardin |
689 feet |
39.312ºN |
93.778ºW |
Lawson School (historical) |
Lawson |
1053 feet |
39.418ºN |
94.181ºW |
Liberty School (historical) |
44 |
Richmond |
774 feet |
39.368ºN |
93.899ºW |
Lillard School |
76 |
Camden |
813 feet |
39.243ºN |
94.081ºW |
Lincoln School |
Richmond |
794 feet |
39.279ºN |
93.975ºW |
Linville School |
5 |
Unknown |
-32800 feet |
.000ºN |
.000ºW |
A discontinued school of Knoxville Township. Named for Thomas Linville, landowner and a native of Tennessee. (Macey; Klemel) |
Linwood School |
Polo |
9 |
39.501ºN |
94.003ºW |
Linwood School (historical) |
Polo |
912 feet |
39.501ºN |
94.002ºW |
Little Brick School |
68 |
Hardin |
686 feet |
39.265ºN |
93.797ºW |
In east-central Crooked River Township. Named from the size and material of the building. (Happy) |
Little Union School (historical) |
3 |
Cowgill |
909 feet |
39.504ºN |
93.889ºW |
In northwestern Grape Grove Township. Named from Little Union Church (q.v.). (Mansur) |
Lower Camden |
87 |
Loyd School (historical) |
32 |
Knoxville |
781 feet |
39.409ºN |
94.063ºW |
In southwestern Knoxville Township. Named for Mat Loyd, an old settler, who lived near the school. (Mrs. Albright) |
Feature |
Twp |
District |
Date Org |
Date Closed |
USGS Topo Map |
Elevation |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Comments |
Magill School |
64 |
Unknown |
-32800 feet |
.000ºN |
.000ºW |
In west-central Richmond Township. Named for William Magill, who donated the land for school purposes. (Magill) |
Mallory School |
69 |
Lexington East |
686 feet |
39.228ºN |
93.788ºW |
In southeastern Crooked River Township. Named for the landowner. (Happy) |
Mansur School |
28 |
Unknown |
-32800 feet |
.000ºN |
.000ºW |
In Grape Grove Township, a short distance northeast of Millville. Named for the landowner, Isaiah Mansur. (Frazier) |
Marion School (historical) |
31 |
Knoxville |
935 feet |
39.416ºN |
94.010ºW |
In south-central Knoxville Township. It was named from the nearby Marion Church. (J.A. Clark) |
McGill School |
Rayville |
850 feet |
39.311ºN |
94.068ºW |
Midland School |
Millville School |
Missouri Valley School (historical) |
Camden |
702 feet |
39.163ºN |
94.064ºW |
In southwestern Camden Township. Named from its location. (Thomas Cooper) |
Morton |
51 |
Murray School (historical) |
33 |
Knoxville |
968 feet |
39.417ºN |
94.103ºW |
In southeastern Polk Township. Named for R.A. Murray, a landowner who lived near the school. (Miss Murray) |
Feature |
Twp |
District |
Date Org |
Date Closed |
USGS Topo Map |
Elevation |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Comments |
Oak Grove School |
70 |
Lexington East |
686 feet |
39.241ºN |
93.833ºW |
In south-central Crooked River Township. Named for the shrub oak grove in which the building is located. (Thomas Cooper) |
Ogg School |
62 |
1819 |
Rayville |
984 feet |
T51R28S04 |
39.297ºN |
94.093ºW |
In east-central Fishing River Township. This is one of the oldest schools in the county. It was named for Thomas Jeptha Ogg, landowner and miller. (Hamilton)
Ogg's Branch. First school house in Ray County. Meaddors Vanderpool first teacher. p. 208 Ray County History.
Patton School |
54 |
Richmond |
817 feet |
39.325ºN |
93.998ºW |
In northwestern Richmond Township. Named for a pioneer family. (Miss Patton) |
Petree School (historical) |
19 |
Millville |
902 feet |
39.474ºN |
93.920ºW |
In northwestern Grape Grove Township. Named for a prominent family of the district. (Mrs. Smith) |
Pigg School |
80 |
Unknown |
-32800 feet |
.000ºN |
.000ºW |
In Orrick Township. Named for a pioneer family who owned the land. (Thomas Cooper) |
Pleasant Hill School (historical) |
21 |
Stet |
836 feet |
39.465ºN |
93.848ºW |
In central Grape Grove Township. A name descriptive of the location. (Frazier) |
Pleasant Valley School |
41 |
Knoxville |
768 feet |
39.376ºN |
94.012ºW |
In south-central Knoxville Township. The school is located in a pleasant valley of the West Fork of Crooked River. (Judge McGill) |
Plum Grove School |
Grape Grove Twp |
48 |
1855 |
Hardin |
833 feet |
39.334ºN |
93.785ºW |
John G. Clark deeded an acre; also used as a church; Central School District Info 1925 |
Prairie Valley School |
Richmond |
745 feet |
39.373ºN |
93.929ºW |
Prairie Valley School |
71 |
Lexington East |
682 feet |
39.237ºN |
93.866ºW |
In southwestern Crooked River Township. A name descriptive of the location. (Thomas Cooper) |
Prairie View |
43 |
Feature |
Twp |
District |
Date Org |
Date Closed |
USGS Topo Map |
Elevation |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Comments |
Rayville |
Red Brush School |
61 |
Excelsior Springs |
912 feet |
39.286ºN |
94.126ºW |
In southern Fishing River Township. Named for the red brush timber. It was for a pioneer family in the district originally, and known then as the Whitten School. (RICHMOND MISSOURIAN January 16, 1930, 6; Dr. Sheetz) |
Renfro School (historical) |
20 |
Millville |
945 feet |
39.453ºN |
93.908ºW |
In west-central Grape Grove Township. Named for a pioneer family. (Frazier) |
Riffe School (historical) |
Grape Grove Twp |
45 |
1850 |
Hardin |
833 feet |
39.371ºN |
93.846ºW |
Tommy Wollard farm; also used as a church; Central School District Info 1925 |
Rocky Fork School (historical) |
40 |
Knoxville |
918 feet |
39.386ºN |
94.067ºW |
In southwestern Knoxville Township. Named derived from the stream on which the school is located, Rocky Fork (q.v.). (Kelmel; Judge McGill) |
Rose Valley School (historical) |
2 |
Braymer |
807 feet |
39.504ºN |
93.837ºW |
In Grape Grove Township. Named from the many wild roses in the valley east of the school. The school was established in 1860 and originally bore the name Toomay for a prominent pioneer family. (RICHMOND MISSOURIAN December 5, 1929, 11; Keller) |
Russellville |
27 |
Feature |
Twp |
District |
Date Org |
Date Closed |
USGS Topo Map |
Elevation |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Comments |
Sanderson School (historical) |
63 |
Rayville |
981 feet |
39.279ºN |
94.072ºW |
In west-central Richmond Township. Named for the landowner, William Sanderson. (Hamilton) |
Scott School |
38 |
Unknown |
-32800 feet |
.000ºN |
.000ºW |
In northeastern Fishing River Township. Named for the landowner. (R.K. Green) |
Shackelford School |
Grape Grove Twp |
50 |
1871 |
Hardin |
833 feet |
39.330ºN |
93.819ºW |
Central School District Info 1925 |
Stet School |
Stet |
820 feet |
39.430ºN |
93.778ºW |
Stratton |
Grape Grove Twp |
46 |
land donated by Daniel Stratton; January 1891 caught fire; rebuilt and opened September 1891 at original site; caught fire again in October 1892; was rebuilt; also used as a church; Central School District Info 1925 |
Sunnyside School |
Excelsior Springs |
1053 feet |
39.326ºN |
94.125ºW |
Sunnyside School |
Rayville |
1059 feet |
39.321ºN |
94.121ºW |
In east- central Fishing River Township. The school was originally known as the Nichols School for Samuel Nichols, landowner. About 1900 the school name was changed to one descriptive of its location which was on the south side of a slope. (W.A. Cravens) |
Sunshine School (historical) |
90 |
Lexington West |
692 feet |
39.162ºN |
93.973ºW |
Feature |
Twp |
District |
Date Org |
Date Closed |
USGS Topo Map |
Elevation |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Comments |
Taitsville School |
17 |
1850 |
1938 |
Taylor School (historical) |
Knoxville |
915 feet |
39.478ºN |
94.017ºW |
In east- central Fishing River Township. The school was originally known as the Nichols School for Samuel Nichols, landowner. About 1900 the school name was changed to one descriptive of its location which was on the south side of a slope. (W.A. Cravens) |
Thompson School |
Polo |
984 feet |
39.509ºN |
94.079ºW |
Thompson School |
7 |
Polo |
991 feet |
39.510ºN |
94.078ºW |
In northwestern Knoxville Township. Named for a local family. (Judge McGill) |
Timber Ridge School (historical) |
53 |
Richmond |
872 feet |
39.344ºN |
93.945ºW |
A country school in northeastern Richmond Township. Named from its location on a timbered ridge. (Mayfield) |
Tinney Grove School (historical) |
1 |
Braymer |
889 feet |
39.507ºN |
93.790ºW |
In northeastern Grape Grove Township. The name is derived from the town, Tinney Grove, and from the fact it is on the highest point in the vicinity. (Miss Davis) |
Toomay School |
See Rose Valley School |
Triumph School |
22 |
Turnage School (historical) |
56 |
Rayville |
905 feet |
39.336ºN |
94.032ºW |
In northwestern Richmond Township. Named for Reverend William Turnage, a member of a local pioneer family. (Remley) |
Feature |
Twp |
District |
Date Org |
Date Closed |
USGS Topo Map |
Elevation |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Comments |
Union School (historical) |
47/81 |
Lawson |
1033 feet |
39.421ºN |
94.130ºW |
In south-central Polk Township. Named from a nearby Christian Union Church. (Mrs. Smith) |
Union School (historical) |
47/81 |
Excelsior Springs |
722 feet |
39.251ºN |
94.197ºW |
Union School
Grape Grove Twp |
34 |
1858 |
built on James Leyda land; school site moved in 1872 100 yards south; also used as church; another school buillding built in 1901; Central School District info 1925 |
Vanderpool School |
65 |
Rayville |
938 feet |
39.278ºN |
94.034ºW |
A school in Richmond. Named for the landowner, Holland Vanderpool. (Cates) |
Vibbard School |
37 |
Wallace School |
60 |
Excelsior Springs |
748 feet |
39.287ºN |
94.184ºW |
In southwestern Fishing River Township. Named for the landowner. (R.K. Green) |
West Ward School |
Richmond |
823 feet |
39.279ºN |
93.984ºW |
White School |
75 |
Camden |
928 feet |
39.247ºN |
94.056ºW |
In south-central Richmond Township. Named for the landowner, John D. White. (White) |
Whitten School |
see Red Brush School |
Woodson School |
Richmond |
833 feet |
39.278ºN |
93.966ºW |
A grade school in Richmond which was built on the site of the old Woodson Institute, for which it is named. (Hamilton) |