Feature Twp District Date Org Date Closed USGS Topo Map Elevation Latitude Longitude Comments
Albany Orrick 78
Artman 91
Baber School 74 Unknown 3 miles southwest of Richmond -32800 feet .000ºN .000ºW In south-central Richmond Township. Named for Benjamin Franklin Baber, who donated the land for school purposes. (Miss Baber)
Barkley 72
Bennet School (historical) Lawson 961 feet 39.462ºN 94.139ºW
Bennett School (historical) 18 Millville 899 feet 39.445ºN 93.957ºW In east-central Knoxville Township. Named for a pioneer family. (Judge McGill)
Benton School Polk Elmira 1014 feet 39.506ºN 94.178ºW
Benton School (historical) 9 Elmira 1004 feet 39.506ºN 94.177ºW In northwestern Polk Township. The origin of the name could not be ascertained. It was probably named for Thomas Hart Benton (1782-1858), a Missouri Senator for thirty years. (83R)
Bisbee School (historical) Polk 11 Lawson 991 feet 39.484ºN 94.137ºW In north-central Polk Township. Named for David Bisbee, who donated the land for school purposes. (Lebold)
Blue Jay School Richmond 748 feet 39.329ºN 93.984ºW
Bohemire 88
Bryant School 42 Richmond 748 feet 39.369ºN 93.981ºW
Bullock 23
Bunker Hill 24
Butler School Polk 10 Lawson 1000 feet 39.469ºN 94.182ºW This is an old school in west-central Polk Township. No one interviewed knew the origin of the name. It is not a local name. Since that section of the country is democratic it may have been named for William Orlando Butler (1791-1880), of Kentucky, a man popular with southern democrats and a democratic candidate for vice-president in 1848. (Dr. Ramsey)

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Camden School 86
Centennial School 83 Unknown -32800 feet .000ºN .000ºW In south-central Orrick Township. The school was opened in 1876 and was named to commemorate the Declaration of Independence of 1776. (W.C. Williams)
Central School Unknown -32800 feet .000ºN .000ºW In southeastern Grape Grove Township. Named because it was at the center of the community served by Rockingham. (Frazier)
Clay School Elmira 948 feet 39.509ºN 94.127ºW
Clay School (historical) 8 Elmira 971 feet 39.509ºN 94.126ºW In northeastern Polk Township. An old school whose name dates back earlier than the memories of the oldest citizens in that section of the county. It is not a local family name. Probably named for Henry Clay (1777-1852), who was popular for his part in bringing about compromise measures in regard to slavery. (83R)
Clevenger School 58 In northeastern Fishing River Township. Named for John Clevenger, landowner and pioneer from Tennessee. (Mrs. Clevenger)
Crenshaw School 14 Knoxville 892 feet 39.445ºN 94.060ºW In west-central Knoxville Township. Named for H.R. Crenshaw, landowner. (Judge McGill)
Dale School 55 Rayville 817 feet 39.312ºN 94.025ºW In western Richmond Township. Named for Moses G. Dale, who donated the land for school purposes. (Dale)

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East Fork 35
Egypt School (historical) 82 Buckner 708 feet 39.189ºN 94.160ºW In southwestern Orrick Township. Named for the neighborhood. See Egypt. (Thomas Cooper)
Elliott 85
Enterprise 89
Esrey School Unknown -32800 feet .000ºN .000ºW A former school in central Crooked River Township. It is now a part of the consolidated district of Hardin. Named for Niles, Esrey, a large landowner of the district. (Happy)
Fair Play School (historical) 13 Knoxville 863 feet 39.484ºN 94.078ºW In northwestern Knoxville Township. A dispute in regard to the naming of the school was settled by this compromise ideal name. (Judge McGill)
Fair View 30
Fitch School Camden 787 feet 39.234ºN 94.010ºW
Fitch School 73 Rayville 781 feet 39.257ºN 94.010ºW In south- central Richmond Township. Named for the landowner, William H. Fitch. (Fitch)
Fleming 84

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Graham School
12 Lawson 1007 feet 39.454ºN 94.131ºW In east-central Polk Township. Named for a pioneer family. (Mrs. Holman)
Greenwood School
4 Cowgill 879 feet 39.512ºN 93.953ºW In northeastern Knoxvill Township. A name descriptive of the location. (Judge McGill)
Hall School (historical) 79 Excelsior Springs 754 feet 39.251ºN 94.156ºW In northwestern Orrick Township. Named for the landowner. (Dr. Sheetz)
Hannah School (historical) 77 Camden 810 feet 39.242ºN 94.104ºW In southeastern Fishing River Township. Named for a pioneer family in Virginia. (Thomas Cooper)
Hickory Grove 52
Hill School 67 Richmond 751 feet 39.277ºN 93.923ºW In east- central Richmond Township. Named for James S. Hill, a native of Tennessee who owned the land site. (Mrs. Hunt)
Hunt School Polo 997 feet 39.507ºN 94.036ºW
Hunt School 6 Polo 984 feet 39.507ºN 94.035ºW In west- central Knoxville Township. Named for the landowner, John Hunt. (Klemel)
Jackson School 36 Lawson 1010 feet 39.381ºN 94.193ºW In northwestern Fishing River Township. Named for the first school teacher. (R.K. Green)
Jefferson School this school was marked on Lawson Prairied map at about the same location as Jackson School. Is this the same school?
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King School Unknown -32800 feet .000ºN .000ºW A former school two miles south of Richmond, now consolidated with the town district. Named for Austin A. King (1801-1870), who owned land in the district. In 1848 Mr. King was elected Governor of Missouri. (Conard 1901, Vol. III, 537; W.C. Williams)
Knoxville 16
Lakeview School (historical) 49 Hardin 689 feet 39.312ºN 93.778ºW
Lawson School (historical) Lawson 1053 feet 39.418ºN 94.181ºW
Liberty School (historical) 44 Richmond 774 feet 39.368ºN 93.899ºW
Lillard School 76 Camden 813 feet 39.243ºN 94.081ºW
Lincoln School Richmond 794 feet 39.279ºN 93.975ºW
Linville School 5 Unknown -32800 feet .000ºN .000ºW A discontinued school of Knoxville Township. Named for Thomas Linville, landowner and a native of Tennessee. (Macey; Klemel)
Linwood School Polo 9 39.501ºN 94.003ºW
Linwood School (historical) Polo 912 feet 39.501ºN 94.002ºW
Little Brick School 68 Hardin 686 feet 39.265ºN 93.797ºW In east-central Crooked River Township. Named from the size and material of the building. (Happy)
Little Union School (historical) 3 Cowgill 909 feet 39.504ºN 93.889ºW In northwestern Grape Grove Township. Named from Little Union Church (q.v.). (Mansur)
Lower Camden 87
Loyd School (historical) 32 Knoxville 781 feet 39.409ºN 94.063ºW In southwestern Knoxville Township. Named for Mat Loyd, an old settler, who lived near the school. (Mrs. Albright)

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Magill School 64 Unknown -32800 feet .000ºN .000ºW In west-central Richmond Township. Named for William Magill, who donated the land for school purposes. (Magill)
Mallory School 69 Lexington East 686 feet 39.228ºN 93.788ºW In southeastern Crooked River Township. Named for the landowner. (Happy)
Mansur School 28 Unknown -32800 feet .000ºN .000ºW In Grape Grove Township, a short distance northeast of Millville. Named for the landowner, Isaiah Mansur. (Frazier)
Marion School (historical) 31 Knoxville 935 feet 39.416ºN 94.010ºW In south-central Knoxville Township. It was named from the nearby Marion Church. (J.A. Clark)
McGill School Rayville 850 feet 39.311ºN 94.068ºW
Midland School
Millville School
Missouri Valley School (historical) Camden 702 feet 39.163ºN 94.064ºW In southwestern Camden Township. Named from its location. (Thomas Cooper)
Morton 51
Murray School (historical) 33 Knoxville 968 feet 39.417ºN 94.103ºW In southeastern Polk Township. Named for R.A. Murray, a landowner who lived near the school. (Miss Murray)

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New Garden School 59 Excelsior Springs 879 feet 39.324ºN 94.183ºW Named for New Garden Church (q.v.). (R.K. Green)
New Haven 25
New Hope School 26 Stet 922 feet 39.424ºN 93.842ºW
Nichols School 57 See Sunny Side
Nutter School 66 Richmond 761 feet 39.294ºN 93.926ºW In east- central Richmond Township. Named for the landowner, Benjamin T. Nutter, a native of Kentucky. (Nutter)

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Oak Grove School 70 Lexington East 686 feet 39.241ºN 93.833ºW In south-central Crooked River Township. Named for the shrub oak grove in which the building is located. (Thomas Cooper)
Ogg School 62 1819 Rayville 984 feet T51R28S04 39.297ºN 94.093ºW In east-central Fishing River Township. This is one of the oldest schools in the county. It was named for Thomas Jeptha Ogg, landowner and miller. (Hamilton)

Ogg's Branch. First school house in Ray County. Meaddors Vanderpool first teacher. p. 208 Ray County History.

Patton School 54 Richmond 817 feet 39.325ºN 93.998ºW In northwestern Richmond Township. Named for a pioneer family. (Miss Patton)
Petree School (historical) 19 Millville 902 feet 39.474ºN 93.920ºW In northwestern Grape Grove Township. Named for a prominent family of the district. (Mrs. Smith)
Pigg School 80 Unknown -32800 feet .000ºN .000ºW In Orrick Township. Named for a pioneer family who owned the land. (Thomas Cooper)
Pleasant Hill School (historical) 21 Stet 836 feet 39.465ºN 93.848ºW In central Grape Grove Township. A name descriptive of the location. (Frazier)
Pleasant Valley School 41 Knoxville 768 feet 39.376ºN 94.012ºW In south-central Knoxville Township. The school is located in a pleasant valley of the West Fork of Crooked River. (Judge McGill)
Plum Grove School Grape Grove Twp 48 1855 Hardin 833 feet 39.334ºN 93.785ºW John G. Clark deeded an acre; also used as a church; Central School District Info 1925
Prairie Valley School Richmond 745 feet 39.373ºN 93.929ºW
Prairie Valley School 71 Lexington East 682 feet 39.237ºN 93.866ºW In southwestern Crooked River Township. A name descriptive of the location. (Thomas Cooper)
Prairie View 43

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Red Brush School 61 Excelsior Springs 912 feet 39.286ºN 94.126ºW In southern Fishing River Township. Named for the red brush timber. It was for a pioneer family in the district originally, and known then as the Whitten School. (RICHMOND MISSOURIAN January 16, 1930, 6; Dr. Sheetz)
Renfro School (historical) 20 Millville 945 feet 39.453ºN 93.908ºW In west-central Grape Grove Township. Named for a pioneer family. (Frazier)
Riffe School (historical) Grape Grove Twp 45 1850 Hardin 833 feet 39.371ºN 93.846ºW Tommy Wollard farm; also used as a church; Central School District Info 1925
Rocky Fork School (historical) 40 Knoxville 918 feet 39.386ºN 94.067ºW In southwestern Knoxville Township. Named derived from the stream on which the school is located, Rocky Fork (q.v.). (Kelmel; Judge McGill)
Rose Valley School (historical) 2 Braymer 807 feet 39.504ºN 93.837ºW In Grape Grove Township. Named from the many wild roses in the valley east of the school. The school was established in 1860 and originally bore the name Toomay for a prominent pioneer family. (RICHMOND MISSOURIAN December 5, 1929, 11; Keller)
Russellville 27

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Sanderson School (historical) 63 Rayville 981 feet 39.279ºN 94.072ºW In west-central Richmond Township. Named for the landowner, William Sanderson. (Hamilton)
Scott School 38 Unknown -32800 feet .000ºN .000ºW In northeastern Fishing River Township. Named for the landowner. (R.K. Green)
Shackelford School Grape Grove Twp 50 1871 Hardin 833 feet 39.330ºN 93.819ºW Central School District Info 1925
Stet School Stet 820 feet 39.430ºN 93.778ºW
Stratton Grape Grove Twp 46 land donated by Daniel Stratton; January 1891 caught fire; rebuilt and opened September 1891 at original site; caught fire again in October 1892; was rebuilt; also used as a church; Central School District Info 1925
Sunnyside School Excelsior Springs 1053 feet 39.326ºN 94.125ºW
Sunnyside School Rayville 1059 feet 39.321ºN 94.121ºW In east- central Fishing River Township. The school was originally known as the Nichols School for Samuel Nichols, landowner. About 1900 the school name was changed to one descriptive of its location which was on the south side of a slope. (W.A. Cravens)
Sunshine School (historical) 90 Lexington West 692 feet 39.162ºN 93.973ºW
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Taitsville School 17 1850 1938
Taylor School (historical) Knoxville 915 feet 39.478ºN 94.017ºW In east- central Fishing River Township. The school was originally known as the Nichols School for Samuel Nichols, landowner. About 1900 the school name was changed to one descriptive of its location which was on the south side of a slope. (W.A. Cravens)
Thompson School Polo 984 feet 39.509ºN 94.079ºW
Thompson School 7 Polo 991 feet 39.510ºN 94.078ºW In northwestern Knoxville Township. Named for a local family. (Judge McGill)
Timber Ridge School (historical) 53 Richmond 872 feet 39.344ºN 93.945ºW A country school in northeastern Richmond Township. Named from its location on a timbered ridge. (Mayfield)
Tinney Grove School (historical) 1 Braymer 889 feet 39.507ºN 93.790ºW In northeastern Grape Grove Township. The name is derived from the town, Tinney Grove, and from the fact it is on the highest point in the vicinity. (Miss Davis)
Toomay School See Rose Valley School
Triumph School 22
Turnage School (historical) 56 Rayville 905 feet 39.336ºN 94.032ºW In northwestern Richmond Township. Named for Reverend William Turnage, a member of a local pioneer family. (Remley)

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Union School (historical) 47/81 Lawson 1033 feet 39.421ºN 94.130ºW In south-central Polk Township. Named from a nearby Christian Union Church. (Mrs. Smith)
Union School (historical) 47/81 Excelsior Springs 722 feet 39.251ºN 94.197ºW
Union School


Grape Grove Twp 34 1858 built on James Leyda land; school site moved in 1872 100 yards south; also used as church; another school buillding built in 1901; Central School District info 1925
Vanderpool School 65 Rayville 938 feet 39.278ºN 94.034ºW A school in Richmond. Named for the landowner, Holland Vanderpool. (Cates)
Vibbard School 37
Wallace School 60 Excelsior Springs 748 feet 39.287ºN 94.184ºW In southwestern Fishing River Township. Named for the landowner. (R.K. Green)
West Ward School Richmond 823 feet 39.279ºN 93.984ºW
White School 75 Camden 928 feet 39.247ºN 94.056ºW In south-central Richmond Township. Named for the landowner, John D. White. (White)
Whitten School see Red Brush School
Woodson School Richmond 833 feet 39.278ºN 93.966ºW A grade school in Richmond which was built on the site of the old Woodson Institute, for which it is named. (Hamilton)




