Midland School |
The records of Midland School dates back as far as 1869. Data from W. L. Linville shows that the school was founded three or four years earlier than the records show. It was at that time known as the Dale School. The Dale School was included first in District No. 3, which was later divided by the creek which ran through the district. This division was made in 1880. Morris Osborne was the teacher with a salary of $40 per month. Ten years later, the school was moved to what is now known as the C. E. Stratton farm. Its name was changed to Midland. John Bales was the first teacher with a salary of $40 per month. This shows salaries did not increase very rapidly. In October 1902 when Claud Trauber was teacher, the building burned. Origin of the fire is unknown. It was rebuilt immediately and the term completed. This school continued in District No. 3 until 1917. It was then included in Consolidated District No. 2. Midland School building was moved to north of the old Central High School in 1950 where grade children were taught by Mable McKemy. Some of the teachers who taught at Midland in the early years were Ben Bowles, John Hoover, Cecil Hogan, Opal Deardorff, Goldie Hogan, Grace Early, Floy Boles, and Milton Early. Adapted from Hardin, Missouri: A Centennial History (1870-1970). Source: http://www.hardincentral.k12.mo.us/about/history/midland-school.html |
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