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1883 Pensioners on the Roll

Last Updated 7/19/2008

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The U.S. Congress directed the Pension Office to prepare a listing of individuals receiving pensions for war service. The Pension Office produced a list called "Pensioners on the Roll" as of January 1, 1883. The Roll apparently contained all pensioners, although only a small portion is presently online.

The pensioners were primarily Union veterans from the Civil War and survivors of the War of 1812 but also included other service as well. In addition to the veterans themselves, family members receiving pensions based on said service were also included. Pensioners on the Roll was prepared from the official government records of the time, so this listing is likely to be one of the most complete and accurate records of the time.

Last Name First Name Certificate No. Post Office cause for which pensioned monthly rate Original Date
Adams Perneta 21178 Richmond widow 8 --
Allen Abraham 8541 Orrick gsw left side of face 4 --
Artman Adam 75306 Richmond inj. l. shoul. & spine 6 --
Baird Jane S. 180329 Richmond dep. mother 8 Mar 1878
Bales Elizabeth 104102 Rayville widow 8 Dec 1867
Barbee Joseph C. 93017 Richmond total blindness 72 --
Bell Elizabeth J. 115069 Knoxville dep. mother 8 Jun 1868
Bennett Claiborne 81627 Camden wd. of left arm 18 --
Bennett Lucinda 17457 Richmond widow 8 --
Bogart Delilah 190758 Orrick widow & minors 14 Jan 1881
Branch Benjamin C. 86109 New Garden wd. of left thigh 8 --
Briggs Richard 214288 Richmond gsw of right thigh 4 Jun 1880
Brown Alfred A. 138483 Camden gsw of right arm 6 --
Burnett Thomas J. 132737 Richmond wd. over right eye 10 --
Burroughs Elizabeth 31017 Knoxville widow 8 --
Burton Benjamin 222886 Richmond dis. of abdominal viscera 8 Dec 1882
Carroll Margaret 55665 Lawson widow 8 --
Crowley William F. 93635 Lawson wd. of left hand 8 --
Davis Saline 26888 Knoxville widow 1812 8 Sep 1879
Dean James 14711 Richmond gsw of left shldr. 6 --
Doolin Jane 195398 Orrick widow 8 Apr 1882
Dunbar John M. 67903 Richmond wd. of left hand 12 --
Edwards Ellender J. 55799 Hardin widow 8 --
Forson William T. 125392 Richmond gsw of right leg 6 --
Gear William 156304 Richmond disease of lungs 16 --
Gibson Isaace W. "Watt" 179974 Richmond chron. rheumatism 6 Dec 1880
Graw Henry P. 150033 Richmond gsw of left leg 4 Dec 1877
Gunnell Catharine 20805 Millville widow 1812 8 Mar 1879
Hastings Jason W. 213625 Richmond disease of left hip 6 Jun 1882
Hayes John A. 71019 Rayville gsw right shoulder 18 --
Helsel Jeremiah 203801 Richmond gsw of right knee 4 Mar 1882
Henry William 67287 Richmond loss left arm ab. elbow 24 --
Hicks Benjamin 179957 Richmond inj. to left foot & ankle 6 Dec 1880
Hudgins William 3088 Richmond gsw of chest, & effects 18 --
Jaeger August 160270 Richmond gsw of left shoulder 4 May 1879
James Eliza C. 16542 Vibbard widow 8 --
Jane Anna 111330 Richmond widow 8 Apr 1868
Jones James B. 120534 Richmond gsw of lower jaw 10 --
Langford Elizabeth S. 138475 Lisbonville widow 20 --
Lloyd Thomas 206380 Richmond gsw of right hand, &c 4 Apr 1882
Mansur Porter 217483 Fox scurvy & res. loss of teeth 4 Aug 1882
Mason Lewis 57837 Richmond disease of lungs 24 --
Mason William F. 176055 Richmond gsw rt. side & thigh 4 Oct 1880
Matheson Francis J. 152351 Lisbonville injury to abdomen 4 Apr 1878
McCuiston Nancy 30014 Richmond widow 1812 8 Jul 1880
McCullough Elizabeth 15350 Knoxville widow 8 --
McGraw Jesse 140045 Richmond dis. of lungs &liver 31.25 --
Meredith Willis 170388 Camden gsw of rt. forearm 6 Jun 1880
Messick David 20825 Hardin dis. of heart 18 --
Morris Wesley 51772 Richmond gsw of right hand 4 Oct 1865
Newton Matilda J. 107382 New Garden widow 8 Jan 1868
Odell Jane 123038 Orrick dep. mother 8 Jan 1869
Odell Jane 198160 Richmond widow & minor children 16 Dec 1882
Odell Ruth 55863 New Garden widow 8 --
Odle Elizabeth 76676 New Garden widow 8 --
Oster Leonard S. 171154 Wilmott gsw rt. leg & loss of part of rt. index finger 4 Jul 1880
Owen William T. 134014 Richmond gsw of right hand 10 --
Pendry Permelia A. 55864 Orrick widow 8 --
Reed Mary 16649 Richmond widow 8 Jan 1879
Rifle Adaline 17978 Orrick widow 1812 8 Feb 1879
Routh Anna 1100 Richmond widow 8 Nov 1871
Rush Nancy 22955 Richmond widow 8 Apr 1879
Sanderson Rosanna 16883 Richmond widow 1812 8 Feb 1879
Settle Polly 18504 Orrick widow 1812 8 Feb 1879
Simpson Diana 158242 Richmond widow 8 Jun 1872
Smith Jane 21663 Lawson widow 1812 8 Mar 1879
Smith John 54742 Richmond gsw rt. shoulder 6 --
Smith Nancy 55980 New Garden widow 8 --
Spencer Anderson 8368 Orrick inj. left shldr. & effects 24 --
Spurrier Gerard 5336 Richmond surv. 1812 8 Oct 1871
Strode George W. 117669 Richmond chr. diarrh. & dropsy 8 --
Swansey Catharine 187498 Richmond widow & minor child 10 Mar 1880
Sylar William 134072 Richmond disease of lungs 18 --
Thomas Eli 32889 Camden gsw left tibia 12 --
Toner Francis 136374 Camden gsw of right leg 10 Nov 1875
Tunnage Catharine 25258 Knoxville widow 8 --
Vaughn John C. 35308 Richmond wd. of left thigh 8 --
Watkins Mary 198187 Richmond dep. mother 8 Dec 1882
Weakley James C. 135313 Lawson gsw of left thigh 4 Aug 1875
Weiss William W. 190873 Richmond chron. diarr. 8 Jun 1881
Westhafer Elizabeth 23031 Richmond widow 8 --
Whitaker John R. 67513 Morton gsw rt. foot 14 --
Wickliff Barbara 7352 Orrick widow 8 --
Williams Edwin A. 125725 Hardin wd. of left breast -- --
Williams Eliza P. 129372 Crab Orchard dep. mother 8 May 1869
Woods Sarah J. 56172 Crab Orchard widow 8 --
Young Emily M. 88524 Camden dep. mother 8 Jan 1867

Source: http://www.arealdomain.com/ray1883.html

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since April 1, 2002

Last Updated 7/19/2008